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2024 Family Movie Night

It was a tiki-tastic time at our Hawaiian themed Family Movie Night Luau! Thank you to everyone who came out to enjoy the movie. And special thanks to our co-chairs, Cara Lane, Trudy McCabe and Eugenia Sharifi for working so hard to ensure that all ran smoothly!

Principal For The Day!

St. Augustine School was in good hands on Friday, March 15th with Principal Reagan Murdock (K) who won the raffle from our Mini Golf Event and became  "Principal for the Day!" He was clearly dressed for success.

Thank you to Mr. Bianco and Mrs. Doherty who enable these fun events for our entire school community!

It's No Secret—Science Is Fun!

Ask anyone at this spring's “Top Secret Science & Math” family event in the cafeteria. Kids worked together on science experiments guided by special guest scientist, Michael Bergen. A big thank you to Lori Mussman and the team at “Top Secret Science & Math” for pulling together such a fun, hands-on evening for our families!  

Community Reader Day!

A BIG thank you to Lori Mussman and Sarah Crowe for organizing this fantastic Community Reader Day for our K-4 students! We had representatives from the Andover and Lawrence Police Departments, Tewksbury Fire, Animal Control, a Selectman, Addison Art Gallery, Andover Historical Society and more!

The kids and speakers had so much fun!

Inaugural Mini Golf Tournament

Wow! Our first ever Mini Glow Golf Tournament was so much fun! Thank you to all who came out, all who sponsored and designed such creative holes, helped with check-in and concessions, ran golf clubs and balls back and forth from the gym and donated to our silent auction—we couldn’t have pulled this off without such an amazing school community. 

And special thanks to our Mini Golf Team—Heather Ward, Brigid Vallera and Sam Abel for all the time and effort they put into organizing such a fun day for our families! 

2024 Father Daughter Dance

What a blast these girls had! Thank you to our "Father Daughter Dance" co-chairs, Brett DeFusco and Christine Dumont for planning such a magical evening for these young ladies and their special dates!

2024 St. Augustine School Annual Walkathon

Every person at St. A's knows there's something special about our school. During our 2024 Annual Walkathon, the magic poured out for all to see! Thank you to every teacher, student, donor and parent volunteer that made the '24 Walk one that we will never forget. 


Spare Change Challenge

A fun addition to our 2024 Walkathon was the “Spare Change Challenge!” Each grade had a bucket on the stage in the cafeteria. Students donated spare change (or dollar bills) to support their grade and the Walk!

Congratulations to the second grade who won the challenge and received a slush party! Fourth grade took home second place and the title of "most heart." Thank you to all who participated and the many piggy banks that were emptied to benefit our school!

2024 St. Augustine North Pole Express

Over 2,000 riders, four SOLD OUT trains, countless Christmas songs sung and so many special memories made. Our St. Augustine School shone like the star that it is—with little ones riding, older ones volunteering, parents, teachers and local high schoolers coming together to celebrate Christmas and our amazing school community.

It was truly magical. Thank you to all who came out and gave their time to help make this day so special.