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Tuition Rates

Changes in tuition will be communicated to families in January, prior to the next academic year. 

Financial Aid: In an effort to provide a Catholic education to as many students as possible, Saint Augustine School works with qualifying families to try to assist with the cost of tuition. Financial aid is available to those who qualify in Grades K-8. Families wishing to apply for financial aid must submit an application via FACTS Management by no later than March 1st. Required documentation includes copies of the tax returns and W-2s from the prior two years. The application must reflect the full financial information of both surviving parents of the child(ren). In situations where the parents are separated, divorced, or single, two FACTS applications must be filed. All applications and supporting tax documents are verified by FACTS Management, as well as by the school’s Financial Aid Committee. Financial information furnished will be held in strict confidence by both FACTS Management and Saint Augustine School. 

Link to apply for financial aid

Sibling Discount

Saint Augustine School does offer a sibling discount for families that have three or more children enrolled. The program applies a discount to the lowest third and fourth tuition rates of the family. Please see below for the exact rates.