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  • We're thrilled to see so much interest in our Fall Open House on November 21st! To help us plan, we are now kindly asking guests to register in advance.

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    Thank you! We can't wait to welcome you to St. Augustine School!

  • "To me, this school is way more than just a place to learn; it is a place to grow your faith in many ways through weekly mass, daily prayers, and religion class."

      "When I first got to Saint Augustine School, I thought I would be by myself without anyone to talk to, but once I arrived, I knew that was far from the truth. My kindergarten teacher welcomed me right away and so did all of the other students. All my teachers have inspired me to do so much more than I thought I was capable of. They helped be the best person I can be and truly feel like I can make a difference.

       To me, this school is way more than just a place to learn; it is a place to grow your faith in many ways through weekly mass, daily prayers, and religion class. My personal favorite, that truly helps me feel like I can get closer to God and Mary, is Campus Ministry. Campus Ministry is new to Saint Augustine’s this year, and we do everything from learning more about God and the Church to donating our time and effort to help others in need.

       Many extracurricular activities are offered at Saint Augustine’s School, some of them include the STREAM Club, Basketball Club, Debate Club, Leadership Club, and Campus Ministry mentioned above. All these clubs help you to be able to grow your friendship with others and create new friends. My personal favorite is our basketball program. It is offered to both boys and girls. I have been on the basketball team since 4th grade and am now in my final year in 8th grade. Through basketball, I’ve been able to grow my friendships and have fun while we play against other Catholic schools in the Merrimack Valley Catholic Basketball Association. My favorite time of the basketball season is the playoffs, when you are able to compete with your teammates and friends to win the championship and have your class be put on the banner.

       As I wrap up my years at Saint Augustine’s School, I will move onto high school with only great memories of other teachers and students. As I leave, I hope others will be able to have as fond of memories as I did. Please consider coming to Saint Augustine’s Open House and see what this school has to offer." –Aidan, Class of 2023

  • "I was honestly overwhelmed by the friendly, kind and endearing manner in which my teachers and classmates welcomed me."

       "All four of my siblings attended St Augustine’s Middle School. I grew up waiting to go there, hearing about the exciting and thrilling time they were having. However, after a year of COVID-19 and uncertainty, my parents were unsure whether to send me to St Augustine’s. We debated the pros and cons, but the deciding factor was not just the academics or scholarly benefits, it was the WHOLE experience. My siblings, and in particular my brother, were adamant that I had to go, emphasizing what a great and positive impact those few years had on them.

       In the beginning of 6th grade, I was honestly overwhelmed by the friendly, kind and endearing manner in which my teachers and classmates welcomed me. Whenever I got lost or confused on where I was supposed to be going, a good-natured student would stop and help me sort out my schedule. It only took a few days for me to settle into my new surroundings, before I felt like I had been there since kindergarten. It has been three years since I started attending St. Augustine, and I totally understand why it made an impact on siblings. I have truly grown in my faith, made life-long friends, and made great relationships with my peers and teachers.  I have seen the academic benefits since I began attending. I have experienced the close knit community that St. Augustine has shown me through the basketball, cross country, STREAM team, and campus ministry. For St. A’s truly has a community like no other. The classes are smaller, so one knows everyone in their class, meaning you develop great relationships with your teachers, and truly become like family with the grades above and below you. It also has pushed me to become active in my church and local community, as at school I have experienced the wonderful feeling of helping and aiding people in my community. 

       As St A’s welcomed me as a new student, it will welcome you too. I and the whole community invite you to come see for yourself at the next Open House!" –Eliza, Class of 2023

  • "St. Augustine School is a place where I find challenging academics, service opportunities, extracurricular activities, and inspiring teachers."

       "My name is Emily, and I have been a proud student at St. Augustine School for the past decade since I started in the nursery program. I feel supported and encouraged by my teachers who work hard to have each and every one of us graduate as saints and scholars. I also am enjoying the school's new Theology of the Body program, which teaches that God made and loves us all. St. Augustine’s school gives students opportunities to give back to the community and help local charities. We do an annual turkey dinner drive for Lazarus House Ministries and we hold clothing drives for the Pregnancy Care Center. St. Augustine School offers faith-filled and fun extracurricular activities. I am part of the new middle school Campus Ministry group where we watch religious movies, do faith filled activities, and even have some fun pickup basketball games. Speaking of basketball, I joined the school basketball team in fourth grade. It is a great way to hang out with friends and learn some basketball skills. Last winter, I also got to act in the school play which is offered to both elementary and middle school students. It was fun to learn speaking and acting techniques and have a lot of fun while practicing. 
       St. Augustine School has been a really fun part of my life for a long time, and I have many great memories there. Overall my favorite memory was going to Washington, D.C. to walk in the March for Life. Going on the March was a great experience because I was able to give witness to my faith and the importance of life. I was able to get to know some of my teachers and middle school classmates better because we got to share the great experience. Finally, I love being at St. Augustine School because everyone there is very encouraging and kind and also my mom works there and my two siblings go there so I can see them walking around the building. That makes my experience at St. Augustines even better! Now that you have heard all about this amazing school make sure you attend the school’s next open house to see for yourself how great this place really is." –Emily, Grade 8 

  • "St. Augustine's has prepared me to be the best version of myself"

        "St. Augustine School is not just a place where students learn and excel academically, but it is also a place to make new friends and meet new people. Making friends in our school is as easy as counting to three; everyone around us is accepting and welcoming. When I first joined St. Augustine school, I was very shy for the first couple days of school, but then one day, a couple of kids had come up to me and invited me over to play with them, and now till this day I am great friends with every single one of them, and we all are enjoying our last year in this school together.

       Another great part of this school is the teachers.  Every teacher I had always does a great job in teaching me about their assigned subject while also making it fun and intriguing for me to be attentive and understand the material. Every teacher in this school is different, which opens up many different ways of learning and each teacher is the best in their own way. The teachers love it when the students ask questions and always want to help us out, no matter where we stand academically.

       Other than what happens during school hours, our school has many events and after-school activities waiting for you. For example, if you want to do an extra activity after school, we have the basketball team, debate club, Campus Ministry, STREAM Club, and other opportunities for clubs throughout the year. The school faculty usually sets up school dances and other events, such as an ice cream social or Christmas event. With all these events going on in our community, I think St. A is more than just a school but is also a second family to all of us.

       You might be wondering, why is St. Augustine better than any other school out there. As a member of this community, I can assure you that St. Augustine school cares about each and one of our students and will always do what it takes for us to succeed. As an 8th grader, I can tell you that I feel more than ready for high school and that St. Augustine's has prepared me to be the best version of myself for next year." –Sahit, Class of 2023

  • "Our mission is forming saints and scholars, and I truly believe that no other school does this better than ours."

    "With eleven years under my belt at St. Augustine, I can assure you that you will never have a bad teacher, ever. Our teachers all strive to make you smarter and better at learning through what learning style suits you the best. At St. Augustine’s, you will learn everything you need to learn to move onto high school. The teachers always make sure to get all the information that we will need to excel in the next year’s curriculum. One thing that might top the teachers, though, is the community. I can’t think of another school that is better than St. Augustine’s when it comes to camaraderie and community. We have such an incredibly close knit community that joining from Nursery to Grade 8 is a piece of cake. You won't feel like an outsider or left out, your peers will take you under their wing and help you find your way.

    Speaking of your peers, the students here are just spectacular. Everyone attending this school is kind, caring, and inviting no matter how you look, sound or where you came from. At this school you will be able to form long lasting friendships that you will cherish for the rest of your life. Next, I would like to talk about the faith aspect of St. Augustine’s. Every single Wednesday we attend a school mass to further our relationship with God, and that's one of my favorite things about this school. The thing that I love most about St. Augustine’s are the extracurriculars offered outside of school. Whether it be the school basketball team, middle school dances, or volunteer work, St. Augustine allows you to have fun outside of school. The amount of service we do for the community outside of the school is astonishing." –Trevor, Class of 2023

  • "I have been at St. Augustine's school for about four years now, and I’m very happy to be here."

    "Every part of the school is amazing because every day brings a new adventure. My career at St. Augustine’s is a great learning experience. The small classes make it easier to make friends and the teachers are all very nice. It is a friendly, family-like community.

    Last year, St. Augustine’s opened a new lab called the “STREAM (Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, and Math) Lab,” which is located on the bottom floor of the school. It is a very nice place to create models, and there are even robotics that anyone could figure out with a bit of instruction. The 3D printer allows you to use your imagination, such as when I edited a design of a car, which was 3D printed, and looks cool. This year, St. Augustine’s school started a new after school Campus Ministry (Theology of the Body) program, which I have joined. So far, I’m glad that I joined because it’s fun. Some students play sports, some have done quilting, and we all made a Noah’s Arc scarecrow for the downtown Andover Scarecrow Fest. We go on all sorts of adventures, and we explore the possibilities of creation.

    I find all of our classes interesting and educational. In Science, we get to do hands-on labs. In Math, we do a lot of team building skills. In Social Studies, I did a big, fun project on woodworking in Ancient China. Foreign Language is a nice addition that wasn’t offered in my public middle school. In English, we practice a lot of vocabulary and work on essays. All of our specials, computers, gym, art, and music, are good classes as well. We have all sorts of fun events, and because this is a Catholic school, we get to celebrate Christmas, Advent, Lent, the Epiphany, and things you couldn’t normally celebrate at a public school. The school also has donation drives and other community benefiting-events. But every day brings a new opportunity, so one of those is to come on by for an open house. I am sure whoever comes to see the school will like it. I hope that hearing about my positive experience at St. Augustine’s will encourage you to consider joining us." –Paul, 8th grade 

  • "Saint Augustine’s has helped me grow as a person, both intellectually and spiritually."

       "I came to Saint Augustine School last year, and I adapted to the environment pretty quickly. The classes and teachers here are really fun, and the kids are nice. I love this school because of all of the fun activities you can do. In the spring, there is a play, and there are many things to do involving this play. There is basketball, a school choir, a band, and more! 

       The classes are also really intriguing. In middle school, there is a choice of languages you can take - Spanish or Latin. Of course, you don’t need to know anything about the language before taking the class, just the mindset to learn a new language! Saint Augustine’s has Integrated Arts, such as art, music, gym, and computer. Middle school also gets one study hall per week. Each class N-8 also has weekly opportunities to go to the STREAM Lab. The STREAM Lab has 3D printers, you can build things, and do entire projects down in the lab! 

       Saint Augustine's is always connected to the community. With the addition of Aaron’s Presents this year, kids can do community service and help their communities in ways that they choose to, not just dictated by the school. There is volunteering you can do, such as being an altar server at church. Many events within the school happen that you can volunteer for, such as the Halloween event Trunk-or-Treat, the Ice-Cream Social, and various other events scattered throughout the school year.

       The teachers help you learn, and they all have many skills to help you remember things and do well in school as well as in real life. The teachers also relate the lessons to real life, not just in school. Spiritually, I feel that I am closer to God than I ever was, and you don’t need to be super religious to do that. Come see the school for yourself!" –Madeline, 8th grade 

  • "St. Augustine School is a place that improves your confidence not just academically but also socially"

    "My name is Jayden and I came to St. Augustine School in 2014. Their goal is for all of us students to become saints and scholars. This means they want us to work hard in school and become very strong people as Christians. St. Augustine has a very strong faith in Christianity. They even put aside time so we get to go to church every Wednesday. Getting to go to church builds our faith and makes up better people every day.

    St. Augustine also has a great education to offer to all of our students. Being at this school for a long time has helped me become more intelligent and understand things I could have never thought of. This could never have been possible without our teachers. Our school teachers explain in a way everybody can understand and are very kind. The students in our school are also very hardworking and thoughtful. If a new kid were to come to St. Augustine, he/she would be welcomed with open arms.  

    Our school also can help us learn through fun activities. At our school, we have fun field trips that help us learn and have a fun experience. If you are interested in extracurricular activities, then this is the right school for you. We have a school basketball team, a debate club, a  stream team,  instrument classes of your choice, etc. One of my favorite things about St. Augustine school is the friends I have made. This is because the students at our school are people we can count on and trust. All of these reasons are why I love St. Augustine school and hopefully you can too. We invite you to come and see what else our school has to offer." –Jayden, 8th grade 

  • "I have grown to consider the school as my second home and the community as a second family."

    "Being at St. Augustine’s from Pre-K to eighth grade, I have grown to consider the school as my second home and the community as a second family. As our curriculum continues to thrive, St. Augustine’s is able to maintain a steady balance between our Christian faith, as well as our academic excellence, and it prepares one for the coming requirements as we advance to high school and college. Being in such a close-knit community has truly helped me grow as a person and taught me to strive to help others and value the qualities of kindness, discipline, respect, integrity, and compassion.
    Through our faith and excellence, St. Augustine’s is continuously helping other communities in need, so that students, parents/guardians, and other members of different communities have equal opportunities. For example, my family’s homeland, Lebanon, has been undergoing a severe political and economic crisis, and with intentions to help students and faculty like ourselves in Lebanon, St. Augustine’s was able to fund the academic scholarship of nearly ten students. This quality of always striving to help others has impacted numerous lives and has inspired me to always work towards my goals. I will always be grateful to my school for teaching me such values at a young age and building these values to flourish in the future. 
    Lastly, I just want to thank St. Augustine’s for everything they have done for me and for other students. Whether the faculty is preparing us for what the future has to come or strengthening our bonds with our peers and teachers, St. Augustine’s has never failed to make me feel welcomed and safe. It’s the small things that truly make a difference in a community, and not once has my school failed to welcome any student and comfort them in various situations and ways. St. Augustine’s is not just a school, but a home to its students and faculty." –Chloe, Class of 2023

Open House